时间:2015-04-28 11:11 文章来源:http://www.lunwenbuluo.com 作者:徐慧燕等 点击次数:
摘 要: 智能节水滴灌控制是精准农业的一个发展方向。以CC2530型ZigBee芯片为载体,设计了可用于土壤滴灌控制系统的无线温湿度数据采集及控制系统。节点电路采用DHT11温湿度传感器,通过Zigbee无线网络将采集到的温湿度数据发给协调器端。协调器端接收到节点传输过来的数据包从Zigbee协议上解析实时温湿度数据,然后通过串口以固定的协议发送给DGUS串口屏,DGUS串口屏实时显示当前的温湿度值,实现了温湿度上限、下限超标报警及控制等功能。该系统可应用于智能节水滴灌控制系统,对节水灌溉具有重要的意义。
关键词: Zigbee; 串口屏; 温湿度; 控制系统
中图分类号:TP273;S275.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2015)04-38-02
Abstract: Intelligent water-saving irrigation controlling is a development direction in precision agriculture. Taking CC2530 chip as the carrier, a wireless temperature and humidity data acquisition and control system of soil drip irrigation is designed. Using DHT11 temperature and humidity sensors in the node circuits, the temperature and humidity data is sent to the coordinator through the Zigbee wireless network. The coordinator receives the node transmission real-time temperature and humidity data over the packet data analysis from the Zigbee protocol, and then sends the data to DGUS serial screen in the fixed protocol through the serial port, DGUS serial screen displays the current value of the temperature and humidity in real time. The system can be applied in intelligent water-saving irrigation controlling, it has an important significance for water saving irrigation.
Key words: Zigbee; serial screen; temperature and humidity; control system
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