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时间:2015-04-30 11:34 文章来源:http://www.lunwenbuluo.com 作者:卜俊蓉等 点击次数:

  4 结语 



  [1]KHOUZANI M H, SEN S, SHROFF N B. An economic analysis of regulating security investments in the Internet[C]// Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2013. Piscataway: IEEE Press, 2013:818-826. 

  [2]ZHANG Y, TAN X, CUI X, et al. Network security situation awareness approach based on Markov game model[J]. Journal of Software,2011,22(3):499-502.(张勇,谭小彬,崔孝林,等.基于Markov博弈模型的网络安全态势感知方法[J].软件学报,2011,22(3):499-502.) 

  [3]ZHU J, SONG B, HUANG Q. Evolution game model of offensedefense for network security based on system security based on system dynamics[J].Journal on Communications, 2014,35(1):55-59.(朱建明,宋彪,黄启发.基于系统动力学的网络安全攻防演化博弈模型[J].通信学报,2014,35(1):55-59.) 

  [4]RELURA T C. Game theory of social distancing in response to an epidemic[J]. PLoS Computational Biology,2010,6(5):e1000793. 

  [5]KHOUZANI M H, SEN S, SHROFF N B. Managing the adoption of asymmetric bidirectional firewalls: seeding and mandating [C]// Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference. Piscataway: IEEE Press,2012:911-916. 

  [6]SONG L, HAN X. Evolution and control of computer virus[J]. Computer Engineering and Design,2011,32(7):2252-2255.(宋礼鹏,韩燮.计算机病毒的演化与控制[J].计算机工程与设计,2011,32(7):2252-2255.) 

  [7]LANG W, YANG D, LI H. Research on the SIRmodelbased data falsification attacks of wireless cognitive sensor networks in smart grids[J]. Netinfo Security,2012(1):14-16.(郎为民,杨德鹏,李虎生.基于SIR模型的智能电网WCSN数据伪造攻击研究[J].信息网络安全, 2012(1):14-16.) 

  [8]ZHOU T, HAN X, YAN X, et al. Statistical mechanics on temporal and spatial activities of human[J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,2013, 42(4): 482(周涛, 韩筱璞, 闫小勇, 等. 人类行为时空特性的统计力学[J]. 电子科技大学学报, 2013, 42(4): 482.) 

  [9]SUN X, LIU Y, ZHU J, et al. Research on simulation and modeling of social network worm propagation[J]. Chinese Journal of Computers,2011,34(7):1253-1257.(孙鑫,刘衍珩,朱建启,李飞鹏.社交网络蠕虫仿真建模研究[J].计算机学报,2011,34(7):1253-1257.) 

  [10]KHOUZANI M H R, ALTMAN E, SARKAR S. Optimal quarantining of wireless malware through power control[C]// Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop. Piscataway: IEEE Press, 2009: 301-310. 

  [11]FENICHEL E P, CASTILLOCHAVEZ C, CEDDIA M G, et al. Adaptive human behavior in epidemiological models[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2011,108(15):6306-6311. 

  [12]KHOUZANI M H R, SARKAR S, ALTMAN E. Dispatch then stop: optimal dissemination of security patches in mobile wireless networks[C]// Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Piscataway: IEEE Press, 2010: 2354-2359.

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