时间:2015-03-09 16:38 文章来源:http://www.lunwenbuluo.com 作者: 葛宏蕾等 点击次数:
【 摘要 】 目的 探讨状腺肿大的诊断与治疗;方法 整体免疫平衡疗法;结果 25岁以下青年人的甲状腺肿,是因青春期甲状腺激素需求量激增所致,多能在青春期过后自行缩小,不需手术治疗。地方性结节性甲状腺肿,常因缺碘引起,可以在食盐和饮水中加入碘,以集体预防治疗为好。但是要注意吃碘过多也是会导致甲状腺肿大,对于甲状腺肿大的治疗一定要到正规医院进行治疗;结论 随着现代医学对甲状腺疾病研究的不断深入,甲状腺疾病机理的探索也取得了由模糊到清晰,由表面到本质的突破。
【 关键词 】甲状腺;肿大;诊断;治疗
Abstract:Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of shaped gland enlargement; method overall immune balance therapy; result goiter young people under the age of 25, due to a surge in demand caused by thyroid hormones of puberty, and more able to reduce their own after puberty, without surgery . Endemic goiter, often due to iodine deficiency, iodine in salt and can be added to drinking water to collective prevention and treatment as well. But also pay attention to eating too much iodine can cause goiter, for the treatment of goiter to a regular hospital for treatment; Conclusion With the deepening of modern medicine thyroid disease study, explore the mechanism of thyroid disease also made by the confusion to clarity, from the surface to the nature of the breakthrough.
Key words:thyroid; enlargement; diagnosis; treatment
1 资料与方法