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时间:2015-10-09 10:54 文章来源:http://www.lunwenbuluo.com 作者:吴军, 吴明, 刘荻, 点击次数:

  普通脂质体携带的药物只能到达表皮, 无法穿透皮肤屏障, 因此其常常被用于局部用药或化妆品的载体[12]。与普通脂质体相比较, 醇质体能穿透皮肤屏障, 使得药物的透皮速率增加。醇质体的透皮机理主要包括2 种: 一是与角质层脂质融合而释放药物; 二是醇质体膜的流动性和柔性使得醇质体易发生变形, 并通过角质层间隙到达皮肤深层。本研究结果显示: Cel 醇质体的累积渗透量和渗透速率均较空白醇质体/Cel 溶液及Cel 溶液高, 表明醇质体对Cel 的体外透皮有促进作用; 同时由累积渗透曲线可知, Cel 醇质体的累积渗透量在24 h 后仍表现出较强的增加趋势, 表明Cel 醇质体被用于经皮给药时具有缓释作用。
  1 80.0
  2 80.5
  3 81.2
  d 粒径/nm
  VZeta /mV
  表4 Cel 醇质体粒径、PDI、电位和包封率
  Table 4 The particle size, PDI, zeta potential andencapsulation efficiency of celastrol ethosomest /min
  Cel 溶液
  空白醇质体/Cel 溶液
  Cel 醇质体
  Q=0.439 9 t-2.229
  Q=1.090 1 t-7.068
  Q=1.640 9 t-9.154 5
  J / (μg·cm-2·h-1)
  0.439 9
  1.090 1
  1.640 9
  0.990 3
  0.956 1
  0.965 1
  表5 Cel 醇质体、空白醇质体/Cel 溶液及Cel 溶液的体外渗透比较
  Table 5 Comparison of transdermal permeation property invitro between celastrol ethosomes, blank ethosomes /celestrol solution and celestrol solution广州中医药大学学报2015 年第32 卷
  Cumulative amount permeated(μg/cm2)
  Study on Preparation of Celastrol Ethosome and Its Skin PenetrationProperties in Vitro
  WU Jun, WU Ming, LIU Di, MA Zhuo
  (Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068 Hubei, China)Abstract: Objective To prepare celastrol ethosomes and to observe the permeability characteristics of theethosomes which act as the transdermal delivery carriers of celastrol in vitro. Methods Celastrol ethosomes wereprepared by ethanol injection method, and then the encapsulation efficiency, particle size, polydispersity index(PDI) and zeta potential of the ethosomes were analyzed. TP2A intelligent percutaneous penetration instrumentwas used to compare the skin penetration properties of celastrol ethosomes, celastrol solution and the mixture ofblank ethosomes with celastrol solution. Results The prepared celastrol ethosomes were spherical, and theaverage particle size was (401.3 ± 5.5) nm, PDI was 0.21± 0.02, steady zeta potential was (-2.75 ± 0.1) mV,and average encapsulation efficiency was (80.6 ± 0.7) %. The amount of accumulative penetration of celastrolethosomes at 48 h was 76.86 μg·cm -2 and the permeation rate was 1.640 9 μg·cm -2·h -1, which weresignificantly higher than the celastrol solution and the mixture of blank ethosomes with celastrol solution.
  Conclusion The prepared ethosomes have high encapsulation efficiency, uniform particle size and stablequality, and are beneficial to the transdermal absorption of celastrol.
  Key words: Celastrol/production & preparation; Ethosomes/ultrastructure;Encapsulation efficiency; Percutaneous penetration in vitro;Disease models, animal; Mice
  固醇含量及Cel 含量对醇质体稳定性及包封率的影响, 以“正交设计” 筛选出了最优处方; 并通过比较Cel 醇质体、空白醇质体/Cel 溶液及Cel 溶液体外累积渗透量的差异, 表明醇质体有利于Cel 的渗透, 为Cel 的临床用药新剂型提供了相关依据及参考。
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