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时间:2015-10-14 14:26 文章来源:http://www.lunwenbuluo.com 作者:张冬梅 路海东 点击次数:

  从20 世纪90 年代开始关注学生先备知识与教
  学方法之间的交互作用以来, 知识反转效应在不同学段、不同学习领域、不同文化背景中得到了广泛的探索,研究越来越接近真实教学情境,多媒体教学情境中的研究也越来越注重对于新媒体、新技术的运用并研发了诸多基于知识水平差异的自适应学习与教学系统。此领域的研究成果使得基于认知负荷理论和最近发展区理论的教学设计原则产生了相对性, 给予个性化教学设计的推进理论和实践支持。
  汉语文化背景中的知识反转效应研究尚处于初始阶段,随着课程改革的推进,以学生为本的个性化学习日益受到关注, 国内对知识反转效应及其机制的深入探讨, 将有利于更好地推进课程改革中开展基于学生知识水平差异的个性化教学设计, 一定程度上更好地实现教育公平。
  [1]Kalyuga, S., Law, Y.K., & Lee, C. H. Expertise Reversal Effect in Reading Chinese Texts with Aadded Causal Words[J]. Instructional Science,2013, 41( 3) :481-497.
  [2]Gasparinatou, A., Tsaganou, G., & Grigoriadou, M. Effects of Background Knowledge and Text Coherence on Learning from Text in Informatics[C]. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition & Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, 2007.147-154.
  [3]Leslie, K. C., Low, R., Jin, P., & Sweller, J.Redundancy and Expertise Reversal Effects When Using Educational Technology to Learn PrimarySchool Science[J].Educational Technology Research & Development, 2012, 60( 1) :1-13.
  [4]Lee, C. H., & Kalyuga, S. Effectiveness of On-screen Pinyin in Learning Chinese: An Expertise Reversal for Multimedia Redundancy Effect[J].
  Computers in Human Behavior, 2011, 27( 1) :11-15.
  [5]Stiller, K. D., & Jedlicka, R. A Kind of Expertise Reversal Effect: Personalisation Effect can Depend on Domain-specific Pprior Knowledge[J].
  Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2010, 26( 1) :133-149.
  [6]Khacharem, A., Zoudji, B., Spanjers, I. A. E., & Kalyuga, S. Improving Learning from Animated Soccer Scenes: Evidence for the ExpertiseReversal Effect[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014, 35:339-349.
  [7]Nückles, M., Hübner, S., Dümer, S., Renkl, A. Expertise Reversal Effects in Writing-to-learn[J]. Instructional Science, 2010, 38( 3) :237-258.
  [8]Kalyuga, S., Ayres, P., Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. The Expertise Reversal Effect[J]. Educational Psychologist, 2003, 38( 1) :23-31.
  [9]Cronbach, L. J.The two Disciplines of Scientific Psychology[J]. American Psychologist, 1957, 12( 11) :671-684.
  [10]Kalyuga, S., & Renkl, A. Expertise Reversal Effect and Its Instructional Implications: Introduction to the Special Issue[J]. Instructional Science,2010, 38( 3) :209-215.
  [11]Paas, F. & Ayres, P. Cognitive Load Theory: A Broader View on the Role of Memory in Learning and Education[J]. Educational PsychologyReview, 2014, 26:191-195.
  [12]Kalyuga, S. Knowledge Elaboration: A Cognitive Load Perspective[J]. Learning and Instruction, 2009, 19( 5) :402-410.
  [13]Sweller, J., van Merri?nboer, J. J. G., Pass, F. G. W. C. Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design[J].Educational Psychology Review, 1998,10( 3) :251-296.
  [14]Eun, B., Knotek, S. E., Heining-Boynton, A. L. Reconceptualizing the Zone of Proximal Development: The Importance of the Third Voice[J].
  Educational Psychology Review, 2008, 20:133-147[15]Fernández, M., Wegerif, R., Mercer, N., & Rojas-Drummond, S. Re-conceptualizing “ scaffolding” and the Zone of Proximal Development inthe Context of Symmetrical Collaborative Learning[J].Journal of Classroom Interaction, 2015, 50( 1) :54-72.
  [16]Kalyuga, S. Expertise Reversal Effect and Its Implications for Learner-tailored Instruction[J]. Educational Psychology Review, 2007, 19( 4) , 509-539.
  [17]Spanjers, I. A. E, Wouters, P., van Gog, T., van Merri?boer, J.J.G. An Expertise Reversal Effect of Segmentation in Learning from AnimatedWorked-out Examples[J].Computers in Human Behavior, 2011, 27( 1) :46-52.
  [18]Salden, R. J. C. M., Aleven, V., Schwonke, R., & Renkl, A. The Expertise Reversal Effect and Worked Examples in Tutored Problem Solving[J]. Instructional Science, 2010, 38( 3) :289-307.
  [19]Nihalani, P. K., Mayrath, M., & Robinson, D. H. When Feedback Harms and Collaboration Helps in Computer Simulation Environments :AnExpertise Reversal Effect[J].Journal of Educational Psychology, 2011, 103( 4) :776-785.
  [20]Homer, B. D., Plass, J. L. Expertise Reversal for Iconic Representations in Science Visualizations[J]. Instructional Science, 2010, 38( 3) :259-276.
  [21]Kalyuga, S. Rapid Cognitive Assessment of Learners’ Knowledge Structures[J]. Learning and Instruction, 2006, 16( 1) :1-11.

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